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Infection prevention and control (IPC) annual statement

Statement for 2023-2024.

IPC Lead – Elspeth Huber (Practice nurse)

Health & Safety manager – Emma Doleman (Business manager)

This annual statement will be generated annually and will summarise:

  • Any significant events relating to infection prevention and control
  • Details of IPC audits/risk assessments undertaken and actions taken
  • Details of staff training
  • Details of IPC advice to patients
  • Any review/update of IPC policies and procedures

Significant events

There were no significant events relating to IPC in the previous twelve months. We have continued to be prevalent in reducing the risk of transmission from Covid-19 to protect our staff and our more vulnerable patients.


Practice IPC audit

We conduct an annual IPC audit alongside a strict cleaning audit to ensure the practice maintains high IPC standards.

The main points raised at last years IPC audit and cleaning audit identified:

  1. Minor repair works identified around the practice building
  2. Minor furniture repairs/replacements identified.
  3. Comprehensive vaccination screening and documentation for staff requiring update
  4. New cleaning schedules required for reusable equipment.

Among the above, most actions completed with repair and maintenance work ongoing.

Business manager has detailed list of priority work.

Hand hygiene

We conduct annual hand hygiene audits of all staff members to ensure all staff members are competent at preventing the spread of infection.

Risk assessment

Risk assessments are highlighted regularly in meetings, such as for COSHH and waste management.

Staff training

All staff receive annual IPC training, with concordance regularly checked.

IPC issues/updates are discussed regularly as a standard item throughout the year in clinical/general meetings as well as a featured topic in all Health & Safety meetings.

Staff are encouraged to raise any IPC concerns with the practice manager or IPC lead.

All staff are familiar with where to find the infection prevention control policy, either electronically or hard copy.

IPC advice to patients

At Hannage Brook we continue to monitor our practice to ensure we have the highest IPC levels we can. We pride ourselves on the knowledge and the care staff have of IPC. We continue to keep up to date on government legislation, including inviting all our eligible patients for relevant immunisations for example flu, pneumococcal, shingles, whooping cough and most recently Covid 19 Vaccines.

Parents/Guardians are sent regular invitations and reminders for childhood immunisations.

IPC policy

Our IPC policy is up to date and gives clear guidance for all staff members on all aspects of IPC. We also have an internal IPC notice board and circulate emails regarding new guidance as and when it comes through.