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A message to our patient community about the BMA GP collective action.

A message to our patient community about the BMA GP collective action announced on 1st August.

You will I’m sure be aware that the British Medical Association (the doctors’ trade union) held a ballot of members on a proposal for GPs to take collective action to protest against the continuing cuts to general practice funding. The result was announced on 1st August; 98% of those taking part voted YES to action. The BMA are urging all practices to participate.

At Hannage Brook Medical Centre we have entered into a consultation process with our whole team. We will complete this on 14th August, when the leadership team will be joined by a representative of our Patient Participation Group. We will agree our plan at this point and share it with you.

If you have been following this in the news you will probably be aware that the concerns that have led to the BMA ballot are not about working conditions for GPs and practice teams, but rather about the longer term survival of general practice in the context of rising demands and falling government investment.

Some of you may be interested to look at the BMA’s 10 suggested actions. You will see that most of these aim to reduce inefficiencies in behind-the-scenes processes for GP practices, rather than making any big changes to front line care. You may be reassured to read a little more about the BMA’s goals in calling this action. The link is here if you would like to do this:

(scroll down to “GP practice survival toolkit: actions to support general practice”)

Please rest assured that the plan we make on 14th August will be true to our values, central to which is our commitment to the excellence of the service we provide to you, our patient community.

Dr Philip Packer & Dr Penelope Blackwell.